A root cause approach to chronic gut issues

where stubborn gut symptoms meet simple solutions

You feel stuck, don’t you?

You’ve seen GI doctors, you’ve done scopes, scans, blood labs, you’ve tried elimination diets, allll the “biotics”, magnesium, laxatives, and even the latest anti-bloat pill YET you’re still not getting the results you’re looking for. 

What if I told you it isn’t as impossible as it feels? What if I told you that achieving gut symptom freedom can be easier than you think? Without strict elimination diets and without drastic measures. 


Here’s the deal - you’re craving deeper answers, a specific gameplan, and wins like “bloat-free mornings”, “gas-free nights” & “bowel movements that are incredibly predictable” but you're trying to get there with bandaid fixes. The elimination diets, the laxatives, bland diets, & random supplements. All these approaches simply push down your symptoms - making it feel like they kind of work at first, until your symptoms come back with revengeance. A true root-cause approach will address them for good.

Hey there! I'm Jamie.

Registered dietitian, gut health expert, & more importantly - a retired sensitive sally. I too went through the wringer of GI docs, labs that came back normal, strict elimination diets, & random supplements. I too felt stuck. Just like you, I wondered if my health would ever look & feel any different - if I would ever break the stubborn symptom cycle. I constantly thought what MORE would I have to do? I quickly learned that what I was missing wasn’t the lack of doing “more” or “what” I was doing wrong, it was a lack of understanding why I had symptoms in the first place. I was lacking an understanding of the true root cause of my symptoms. 

...as do you deserve to feel like you have a partner throughout the process. Someone who makes you feel seen, heard & validated when it comes to your health. 



Looking to uplevel your health with more data and 1:1 nutrition attention?

If you’re doing all the things & not seeing the results that reflect your efforts

Real people, Real results

I feel like a new person- not only physically but mentally. Jamie has taught me how to nourish and heal my body. I FEEL AMAZING and I also feel so much more confident in what I should be eating. I feel like this 1000% was the path I was supposed to be on to heal my body.


I feel AMAZING. The main reason I started working with Jamie was because of my constipation, stomach/gas pains, and bloat. Jamie figured out how to get me regular within the first 2 weeks of working together.  I feel confident in listening to my body, and providing what it needs. I have to admit this is a new feeling for me!


I FEEL INCREDIBLE. I could cry thinking about how much my life has changed. I have the clearest skin I've had in a year. I have energy to workout and walk consistently throughout the week. I have consistent BMs and almost no bloating. Most importantly, my relationship with food is the best it has ever been.  I am so happy!


I feel like this huge weight has been lifted off my shoulders. I'm having much more frequent bowel movements and I finally feel like my body is working for rather than against me. My relationship with food has improved so much and I know I CAN TRUST MY BODY and understand what it needs.


Not only do I just feel better, I also feel so much more confident that I am taking care of my body in the right way and know how to get back on track if I ever feel off.


I broke up with the PPI permanently after working with Jamie. We came to discover mold toxicity was a big part of my story, which made a lot of things click. My reflux + loose stools have improved immensely and I have more energy to do what I enjoy. The biggest shift is that I now have confidence in my ability to heal because of the huge wins I experienced working with Jamie.


I feel more in control of my life and health. Prior to this program, I felt pretty resigned to my symptoms, like there wasn’t really anything I could do about them so I just had to deal. Now I have this optimism that’s really changed how I think about my health.


I feel SOOOO much better. I am having daily bowel movements. Rarely get stomach pain or bloating. Everything has improved. I know what to do when I have flares, I have so many tools in my tool box that I know how to take of myself, where before I felt like it was just trying one thing after another and nothing worked. My pain levels have decreased and my ability to handle stress has improved. Acne is gone.


I haven't had heartburn in so long. I don't remember the last time I had this much energy. Sleep and diarrhea have improved so much. I have an extraordinary amount of knowledge after working with her, learning more and more about what symptoms mean, and how to help those symptoms with way I eat. I feel confident I can keep feeling great with the things I've learned.


I felt so incredibly supported working with Jamie! She gave me tangible tools and supplements that actually work and diet shifts that are sustainable. I feel so much more in control of my symptoms after working with her and assured that I am on the right path versus constantly questioning.


I feel literally 1000% better. I can eat all foods again. I take supplements with purpose in parallel with great food foundations. I have energy again and I don't feel sick all the time like I used to. I have hope again and feel so empowered.



when you know exactly what is driving your symptoms (the true root cause), there's no need for extreme elimination diets. 

The perk of this being: alongside those “bloat free mornings” and “gas free nights” kind of wins - you also collect the wins of “soaring food confidence” & “excitement around food again". Achieving gut symptom freedom AND feeling comfy cozy with food again is what you’re looking for, isn't it? 

You're SHOWING UP AS a healthy human

and you deserve to feel like one, too!

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