ready to ditch your gut symptoms for good?

The Legal Method is a high-touch nutrition coaching program that includes multiple levels of specialty testing and 1 on 1 support.


I know you've probably tried (what feels like) everything to fix the problem: 

You’ve tried various elimination diets over and over (and over) again

You've seen a GI doctor, ran labs, upped your fiber. All great things but just not the sweet spot to move the needle for you

You’ve tried all the “biotics” - antibiotics, prebiotics, probiotics 

Oh, not to mention you’ve poured your heart, soul, and wallet ($$$) into trying to figure out what the heck is wrong with you

This one-on-one solution is for you if:

✓ You’re craving deeper answers

You want to get to the core of what’s going on in your body + causing your current symptoms

✓ You have gut-specific goals

Your top 3-4 health goals are centered around improving IBS symptoms/ digestion, constipation, diarrhea, bloat, acid reflux, brain fog, energy levels, headaches/migraines, & skin issues like eczema, psoriasis, or acne 

✓ You’ve tried “it all”

You’re wanting to uplevel your healing process (you’ve exhausted everything in your wheelhouse).


You’re willing to commit to a plan and listen to your body + experiment because you know you are so close to feeling better


Bi-weekly coaching calls with an updated gameplan. Giving you realistic actions to implement to start seeing (and feeling) consistent wins. 

4 months of 1:1 support

Curiosity kills - get your questions asked quickly through our 1:1 chat!

4 MONTHS OF direct chat access WITH ME

as a 1:1 client you will get access to professional grade supplements at a fraction of the cost 

Discount on professional-gradE supplements

included in the problem is a “lab bank” meaning money is set aside for testing deemed fit for your case 

Multiple levels of functional testing

a resource portal that houses handouts, downloads, and modules that help you succeed in the progam

Lifelong access to The Legal Library



mystery symptoms? solved.

bloat-free MORNINGS and gas-free nights are right around the corner.


Together we will dig into your case to truly understand why those little announces are starting to add up. Month 1-2 you will build killer nutrition foundations & fill mineral gaps while you tell me about every symptom, your health history and YOUR targeted health goals. As you celebrate quick wins, we will dial in & target what needs attention based on data + labs. From here, you truly start to pick up on what those little annoyances were telling you (mystery symptoms solved) and those bloat free days and gas free nights are really starting to stack up. 



The Legal Method is a 4-month high-touch nutrition coaching program that includes multiple levels of specialty testing and 1 on 1 support.


what symptom freedom looks like: 

The Legal Method is a 4-month high-touch nutrition coaching program that includes multiple levels of specialty testing and 1 on 1 support.

THE THING IS ..... when you address the right root cause, you get the right results. 

pssst ...

If data + results are important to you, but you're not quite looking for a 4 month program, I invite you to apply for


The Legal Method: kickstart testing packAge


"Going into working with Jamie I had a stomach ache almost every single day. I felt like I had a solid understanding on what I should be doing to fuel and nourish my body but had no clue that what I knew was just scratching the very surface of everything Jamie would help me learn. I also felt pretty defeated going in as I felt like I had been down this path with other functional doctors before and did not see the results I wanted. After going through the program I feel like a new person- not only physically but mentally. Jamie has taught me how to nourish and heal my body.

I feel AMAZING and I also feel so much more confident in what I should be eating. I feel like this 1000% was the path I was supposed to be on to heal my body. Working with Jamie has truly been life changing in so many ways. I started this journey just trying to get my stomach to feel better and it has gone sooooo far beyond that. Jamie has opened my eyes to so many things related to health and nutrition. Not only does my stomach feel better, I am way my in tuned with my body, I understand what I need to do in order to take care of it, I have so much more confidence in the choices I'm making to fuel my body. 

I would recommend working the Jamie to literally everyone in my life. If you are looking for a sign to work with Jamie - THIS IS IT. Do it. You absolutely will not regret it. (And this is coming from someone who went into the program a little hesitant). Working with Jamie is probably the best investment I've ever made in myself."


"Prior to going through this program I felt rough. I was dealing with frequent constipation, stomach/gas pains, bloating, and I had a decent amount of food anxiety. I would cough a lot after eating, some foods made me sweat like crazy, and often had stomach pains after I ate. I was also frequently anxious, and experienced some low depression points at time. I had difficult PMS symptoms- mostly mood related, but also physical symptoms.

After going through this program I feel AMAZING. The main reason I started working with Jamie was because of my constipation, stomach/gas pains, and bloat. Jamie figured out how to get me regular within the first 2 weeks of working together. Once I became more regular, I became aware of a lot of other symptoms I had been experiencing for awhile (noted above). Jamie listened to me, and validated my symptoms. She worked through updating my protocol after every visit. She thoroughly explained my labs and helped me understand why I was experiencing certain symptoms. She then thoroughly explained each protocol, making sure I understood them and made sure to answer any questions I had. Jamie has also set me up with a good plan now that I am finished working with her. I feel confident in listening to my body, and providing what it needs. I have to admit this is a new feeling for me!

Jamie has changed my life. I have seen GI doctors and other dietitians who gave me bandaid fixes, or had me eliminate foods from my diet. No healthcare practitioner has ever listened the way Jamie did, or has dug deep into figure out WHY I was experiencing certain symptoms. Jamie has helped me become regular, reduce stomach/gas pains, and constant bloating. My mood has never been better. I feel confident in the foods I am choosing/eating (food anxiety, what?!)I am listening to my body, my hair is feeling thicker and fuller, she has helped me in loving my body, and finally to be proud of the hard work I have been doing."


"Before working with Jamie, I had struggled with fatigue, constipation, anxiety, bloating, acne, low energy, low mood, and a poor relationship with food for 7+ years. I was also extremely sensitive to dairy, gluten, and eggs before I started working with Jamie. I had seen many different practitioners, and I was never able to achieve optimal health or find the real cause of my health concerns. All of these symptoms truly affected my day to day so heavily. My symptoms were on my mind constantly and created anxiety around food and my body. It was difficult to eat "normally" and difficult to incorporate movement into my day consistently. I struggled to feel awake or energized, I had a low mood most days, and it was very difficult to focus on work or school.

After going through the program, I feel INCREDIBLE. I could cry thinking about how much my life has changed. I have learned so much and feel so knowledgeable about my own health. I have the clearest skin I've had in a year. I have energy to workout and walk consistently throughout the week. I have consistent BMs and almost no bloating, even when eating gluten. My PMS has significantly decreased. I can incorporate dairy and eggs into my diet now. I now have the energy to do everything I need to do in a day. Most importantly, my relationship with food is the best it has ever been. I can eat out with friends without any worries, and I feel so good in my own skin!"


"Prior to the program, I was always constipated and it was like that for pretty much my whole life. I had tried just about every fix but nothing seemed to work for me. I was frustrated by GI doctors not listening to me and my need to get to the root cause of my constipation so I finally took it upon myself to get help.

After going through the program I feel like this huge weight has been lifted off my shoulders. I'm having much more frequent bowel movements and I finally feel like my body is working for rather than against me. My relationship with food has improved so much and I know I can trust my body and understand what it needs.

Going through this program has impacted so much more than just my gut health. I am a genuinely happier person and I feel like I'm able to take on so much more because I'm not consumed with thoughts about when I'll next have a bowel movement. I say yes to more friend hangouts and am not stuck in bed due to stomach aches."


"Prior to this program I really felt like I was at a dead end prior to Jamie's program. I knew enough to know solutions were out there, but I was spinning my wheels trying to connect the dots. I was feeling defeated as I was dealing with numerous issues that were really impacting the quality of my life.

My life has been so positively impacted by Jamie's program. She is the first practitioner to move the needle on my chronic asthma, helped me regain my cycle, cleared up stool issues I was having and so much more! Jamie's program shined a light on the importance of nervous system work for me. The program also gave me tools to feel better if I start to feel off, which I didn't realize I was lacking before. Jamie has helped me greatly fill in nutrients my diet lacks because of some food allergies. This has made me feel better day to day, and also gives me extra confidence in how I am caring for myself.

I truly could not recommend this program and Jamie enough! Jamie's knowledge is unmatched and her results speak for themselves. If you have been on the fence, you will never regret investing in your health with Jamie by your side, it is the best investment I've made."


"Prior to the program, I was in a toxic long-term relationship with a PPI that had completely ruined my stomach’s ability to produce acid and regulate itself. I had significant acid reflux daily, to the point trying to come off the PPI felt impossible, major histamine intolerance reactions, loose stools, and lots of fatigue. I had very few “safe” foods and my confidence in my ability to get better was pretty low.

I broke up with the PPI permanently only about a month or two into working with Jamie. I understand my body so much better now, I know what foods and supplements work for me and make me feel good. I am able to go out and live my life again for the most part, without worrying about every little thing I eat and how I might react to it. My reflux and loose stools have improved immensely and I have more energy to do what I enjoy. The biggest shift is that I now have confidence in my ability to heal because of the huge wins I experienced working with Jamie.

It’s honestly hard to put into words the impact this program has made on my life. It has made a significant impact on my relationship with my own body. I don’t feel like we are at odds so much anymore, but that we are a team that works together, in large part because Jamie took the time to help me understand what was happening inside of me. To have someone like Jamie in your corner is truly a gift and the wealth of knowledge you gain from working with her is invaluable."


"I came to Jamie EXTREMELY gassy. Like, soooo gassy. Just endless gas. Also I was frequently constipated. My energy levels were low and I needed a lot of time to recover from activity (workouts, long day at the office, etc.)

After going through the programI feel SO MUCH BETTER after going through this program. My digestion is soooo much better, which is exactly what I expected. I have easy-to-do routines that keep me regular and I know what to do when I’m stressed or traveling and need extra support. But beyond the digestive improvements, what has really blown me away is how much better I feel in other areas — I have SO MUCH ENERGY, I sleep better, and I just feel GOOD.

I feel more in control of my life and health. Prior to this program, I felt pretty resigned to my symptoms, like there wasn’t really anything I could do about them so I just had to deal. Now I have this, like, optimism that’s really changed how I think about my health."


"Prior to working with Jamie,I had chronic constipation for 20 years, multiple surgeries, and multiple chronic illnesses. The amount of pain I experience on a daily basis was unbearable some days. I was super moody, energy was non existent, days without having a bowel movement and when I had one it was minimal. Brain fog, memory loss, inflammation, stomach pain, bloating, puffy, and swollen.

After going through this programI feel SOOOO much better. I am having daily bowel movements. Rarely get stomach pain or bloating. Everything has improved. I know what to do when I have flares, I have so many tools in my tool box that I know how to take of myself, where before I felt like it was just trying one thing after another and nothing worked. My pain levels have decreased and my ability to handle stress has improved. Acne is gone.

Working with Jamie has been life changing. She's taught me how to navigate my autoimmune diseases and how to take care of myself. My mood is much more stable, I don't worry about being bloated, I don't have to worry if I eat something that I will be sick later. I've found joy in things again. I don't just try to "get through the day" hoping the next day will be better. I actually enjoy my days again.

I have referred so many people to Jamie. She cares and wants you to succeed. She will help you understand your body and how to take care of it. It's not a one size program fits all. She customizes your plan to fit you."


"Prior to working with Jamie I had chronic heartburn daily, no matter what I ate! I also had diarrhea all the time, along with little to no energy. I also had difficulty staying asleep. Since completing the program, I haven't had heartburn in so long. I don't remember the last time I had this much energy. Sleep and diarrhea have improved so much. I have an extraordinary amount of knowledge after working with her, learning more and more about what symptoms mean, and how to help those symptoms with way I eat. I feel confident I can keep feeling great with the things I've learned.

Jamie has really helped me focus on my nervous system, and prioritizing peace in my life. I am so much more productive and I feel good all the time. Feeling good emotionally and physically before I started was very rare. Now I feel pretty dang good all the time. It's refreshing to have other ways to treat health rather than medications, and I look forward to helping my family understand how to have a healthy relationship with food as well as teaching them how to listen to their bodies, and what to do about those symptoms they're experiencing.

Ever since I started with Jamie, I've been singing her praises to anyone and everyone that will listen. It's so refreshing to know that there are people out there that care about your health, but that they go about it in a correct way. Jamie doesn't just put you on a medication and tell you to come back in 6 months. She looks at the entire picture and teaches you how to support your situations, along with help prevent other issues from occurring."


"Before working with Jamie I was struggling with digestive symptoms daily and felt like I had zero EFFECTIVE tools (even though I had tried MANY things) in my toolbox for solving them. I felt incredibly overwhelmed and frustrated by all the gut health information out there, and I felt like healing was going to require diet restrictions and complicated protocols.

I felt so incredibly supported working with Jamie! I have worked with a few practitioners before finding her, and none of them made me feel as heard or helped as she did. She never made me feel like it was just about reducing stress or shifting my thoughts (even though that was a part of it), she gave me tangible tools and supplements that actually work and diet shifts that are sustainable. I feel so much more in control of my symptoms after working with her and assured that I am on the right path versus constantly questioning.

I feel so much more in tune with my body and my nervous system, it's crazy to think that I used to be totally ignoring these cues my body was giving me. I have more energy and more motivation to work out. I feel a detachment from my symptoms, they aren't my life they are just something that will come and go and with time come up less and less.

I would recommend Jamie to anyone struggling with gut health, her combination of expertise and compassion and true desire to help is unmatched."


"Prior to working with Jamie, I had daily diarrhea, exhaustion, constant stomach pain, I had eliminated so many foods from my diet and I felt worse than ever, rashes, I was taking supplements randomly without understanding purpose, I felt absolutely hopeless and like I was going to be sick forever.

After completing the program I literally 1000% better. I can eat all foods again. I take supplements with purpose in parallel with great food foundations. I have energy again and I don't feel sick all the time like I used to. I have hope again and feel so empowered.

When I started the program, I thought health meant eating rice cakes. I knew I felt so sick, but I didn't have any idea how to fix myself from the inside out. Since completing the program, I'm armed with so much more knowledge to actually take care of my body and nourish myself. My beliefs about weight and health correlation and food foundations and the vitamins and minerals that are actually needed to support my body have completely changed for the better. I feel so much better physically, and mentally I feel stronger. And emotionally, I'm ENJOYING my health journey more."


"Prior to going into the program, I had constipation, gas and bloating daily and had no idea what to do to fix the problem. I had already gone through a killing protocol with another practitioner as well as to a gastroenterologist and did not see any improvement. I was basically left to just take MiraLAX for the rest of my life.

Thanks to Jamie, I now know my root cause and she has provided me with all the tools to have in my tool belt to tackle my gut symptoms. I feel like Jamie was able to put a lot of my puzzle pieces together that I didn't even realize had an impact to why I was having my issues in the first place. I learned so many golden nuggets going through this program.

I've made so many changes for the better going through this program. Everything from meal timing, how to eat my meals (slow down) and nutrients and minerals my body needs daily to feel better. Feeling better, having less acne, hair growth and less digestive problems makes me more confident in everything else that I do."


"Prior to working with Jamie I felt terrible! My blood sugar was all over the place. My bowel movements were literally liquid. I didn’t know how to nourish myself with balanced meals and I was constantly bloated/gassy.

My bowel movements are regular now and my blood sugar feels more balanced! I can confidently put together balanced meals and I have more consistent energy! My motivation for working with Jamie was to get my health to a good place to try and conceive. I’m now pregnant and so excited! This progrram has had such a giant domino effect in my life, allowing me to see my health from a new perspective and transform everything in such a positive way! 

Jamie is so incredibly knowledgeable when it comes to looking at the big picture rather than treating symptoms and I think that’s tough to find in a practitioner."


"Prior to going through this program, I was feeling very frustrated because every single time I would eat I would have an upset stomach. I eventually reached a point where I was sick of having a constant stomachache, low energy and heartburn, and sought out Jamie for help.

After going through this program, I have a better understanding of my body and health as a whole. I feel a lot more confident going out to eat and knowing I will not be sick the rest of the night. I feel confident grocery shopping for the proper foods that will support my gut. I no longer have constant pain after eating or severe gas pains at night. 

I feel more well-rested when I wake up in the morning and less fatigued throughout the day. Adding the mineral mocktails have been a game-changer for me, as per Jaime's recommendation. Mentally, I feel less stressed going out to eat with friends and family because I know what my triggers are, and I know how to make better choices that will not affect me. I feel happier, more awake and less stressed about food.
Jamie is patient, understanding and very thorough, and her knowledge about gut health is evident through her program. She is determined to help you feel better!"


"Prior to working with Jamie, I was miserable. I couldn't eat without the fear of getting sick. I never felt comfortable to go out to eat unless it was close to home on the off chance of getting diarrhea. I had been to multiple different doctors and no one could find what was wrong with me and help me get it under control.

After going through this program, I feel great! Just last week I went out to dinner with my family at a restaurant that was an hour away. I felt confident in knowing that I wasn't going to be sick and had the best time in a long time.

Jamie has changed my life for the better. This program is so supportive and informative. She was so kind and caring throughout the whole process. She always put my fears at ease when I would get worried it wasn't working! Not only has this problem gotten me to feeling great, it also helped with my stress and how I handle things. I will be forever grateful for Jamie!"


"Before starting this program I was exhausted all the time (felt like I needed a nap every day), had horrible pms and periods, constant and painful bloating. I felt stressed out all the time.

After completing this program, I have so much more energy and don't feel the need to nap at all. My bloating has improved and my periods are better than I thought possible. The past two cycles I actually didn't even realize my period was coming except for the fact that my tracker app alerted me. This is huge! All of the different lifestyle, food, and mineral information really helped me to build up stress resiliency.

I love having the energy to keep up with my kids now! Also, not having cravings and thinking about food all the time feels so good. I don't need to worry about avoiding social events because I feel like I can go into any situation and know how to build a meal that will leave me feeling satisfied, but not bloated and uncomfortable. I'm just so excited to keep feeling amazing and continue doing everything I've learned! It's truly life changing and the information you learn will help you for life."


"Prior to working with Jamie, always tired, sleeping constantly, chronically constipated, extreme bloating, terrible acne flare-ups. Since completing the programm, my acne has improved SO much, I go to the bathroom regularly, enjoy working out again, & just overall feel like a better person! Mentally I’m in a much better spot because I feel like my body is actually working with me now vs against me. Jamie is THE BEST and I truly believe anyone is lucky to have the opportunity to work with her and gain some of her knowledge."


"Prior to working together, I was suffering from stomach aches, diarrhea, gas and bloating. I did not know what triggered my flare ups. I had my gall bladder removed 2 years ago so that affected me but I'd had issues even prior to that.

While working with Jamie, each week, I felt better. Jamie helped me identify better food and supplement options to build a good gut environment and really improve my symptoms. Since completing the program, I feel emotionally more confident and in control of my health. I plan my meals and have tried new supplements and food. It has improved my life!"


"I grew up with many digestion issues - excessive bloating, nausea, constipation, headaches, blemishes, tiredness...the list goes on. I was always told to just diet and lose weight but nothing ever worked. I felt hopeless and lost before working with Jamie.

After working with Jamie, I am amazed at the difference I feel. I've worked with doctors since I was 15 and never could figure out why I felt the way I did. After working with Jamie, I now have learned how my body works and what to eat for my body. I've hit all all my goals with limited bloating, bowel movements EVERYDAY, less tiredness without coffee, and much more! This program has changed my life. I no longer feel like I can't more or will be sick after eating a meal. This allows me to live a fuller life and not be scared to try new things."


"Prior to this program,I felt very frustrated despite all my efforts. Psoriasis was covering my whole body. Dermatologist only wanted to put me on medication. None of them ever asked about my diet. I eat very well, exercise 6 days a week and take supplements and still my psoriasis was present. As of right now my skin is 98% clear and thanks to Jamie have the tools to continue my success.

My life has change so much since doing Jamie‘s program.I feel like I have my life back. I no longer am embarrassed to wear short sleeves or shorts. I feel like I’m in control of my health again. I am very comfortable in my own skin and I’m not embarrassed to show it. I will continue the protocols that Jamie has set for me so I can have continued success."


"Prior to going through the program I had acid reflux symptoms (nausea, heartburn) and bloating. Was fatigued and didn't sleep well. Since working with Jamie, I haven't had acid reflux symptoms in months, bloating has been much much better and I've been sleeping through the night! I now am armed with knowledge around how food impacts me and can make better decisions. I understand some of the underlying causes and am motivated to start cooking again. I'm no longer frustrated by feeling terribly or dreading dinners because of how I'll feel after, or scared that I might all of a sudden wake up or experience one of the symptoms."


"Prior to working with Jamie, I had low energy, diarrhea, inconsistent bowel movements. After working with Jamie I feel empowered and full of knowledge on why I’m feeling certain things, and how to make positive healthy changes to feel better. I now know the importance of balancing blood sugars, how to take care of my gut, and eating well balanced meals. It’s helped my quality of life in not feeling scared to eat certain foods, but also knowing how to build meals for my day to day life!"


"Before going through this program, my energy was sluggish and my digestion and hormones were off. After going through this program, my energy notably improved, particularly as my blood sugar was more balanced. Also, my hormones were more balanced and my overall gut health improved, including more regular digestion.
My life has been positively impacted based on my work with Jamie in several ways. Apart from symptomatically feeling better, the knowledge gained regarding nutrition and overall mind-body health has been invaluable. Not only has our work impacted my life, but my family as well, as we are all eating more balanced and nutrient-dense foods.

Jamie is so wonderful to work with. She listens to and throughly addresses your concerns. Her expertise is apparent and she works hard to support you in feeling your best. Her program is also set up to set you up for success."


not quite ready for 1:1?


This is a step by step course that answers your burning questions as to why you're so constipated and what to do about it.


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