Hi, I'm Jamie.
Registered dietitian, gut health expert, & more importantly - a retired sensitive sally.

What is H Pylori?

H pylori is a bacterial infection that infects the stomach (& upper intestine) and it’s widely common in America – it’s estimated that about 30-40% of Americans have it. 

This is primarily because it’s spread via food and contaminated water – as well as saliva. This meaning anyone you’ve kissed in your lifetime could have easily transmitted H Pylori. 

But before you panic – H Pylori is not always a problem for everyone. It is however a problem if the stomach is inflamed (Gastritis), it’s overgrown and contributing to the symptoms you’re experiencing.

Here are some big H Pylori symptoms to look out for:

  • Gas & stomach pains at night (almost like false hunger pains for some)
  • Acid reflux or indigestion
  • Gnawing, burning like pain in stomach
  • Intolerance to alcohol
  • Food sits heavy after you eat (esp protein)
  • You have skin issues like psoriasis
  • You experience upper bloating (near your rib cage)
  • Diarrhea or loose stools
  • You have multiple food sensitivities

How to diagnose & treat H Pylori?

The best way to rule out H pylori is via a stool test – primarily because up to 56% of breath tests results & tissue samples (via endoscopy) come back as a false negative. This meaning, telling you that you don’t have H pylori – when you might. 

Clinically, I treat H pylori with a herbal killing protocol that serves as an antimicrobial. Key factors being a biofilm disrupter (breaking through the protective biofilm H pylori creates around its self), the antimicrobial, and probiotic/ yeast strains that serve as binders such as saccharomyces boulardii. 

Now, I rarely see H pylori as the ONLY root cause to address – but when symptomatic, it’s absolutely one I want to address!

Next steps:

To pinpoint and address H pylori, the right testing and interpretation will be important. My 1:1 program The Legal Method is a high-touch nutrition coaching program with multiple levels of functional testing.  

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Registered dietitian, gut health expert, & more importantly - a retired sensitive sally.

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